How to Fix Media Display Issues
Profile Photos
In an effort to provide an extra level of security for your parents during child pickup from your after school program or camp, it is imperative each authorized child, parent and authorized pickup have profile photo, your child’s photo and any authorized pickups you may have.
PLAYERSPACE provides a central location for your parents, participants and authorized pickups to upload their profile photos.
Please review the help links below to familiarize yourself with how users upload profile pics to PLAYERSPACE. If you have any questions or need help, please contact customer support at
Email Templates
All email templates that have images embedded into the body of the email need to be reviewed.
If there are any email templates containing images that are directional or essential for your users to understand the email, please address those templates first.
Please review the help links below to familiarize yourself with how to create email templates using our drag and drop functionality. If you have any questions or need help, please contact customer service at
Document Uploads
Any document hosted and linked in PLAYERSPACE needs to be reviewed.
These are commonly used on your association, branch, and program forward-facing websites. Affected documents could include files hyperlinked on custom navigation pages such as sport rules, facility directions, and parent handbooks.
Please review the help link below to familiarize yourself with how to upload and host documents in the Manage Documents section at the branch, association, or program level. If you have any questions or need help, please contact customer service at
Website Branding
Any forward-facing web pages in PLAYERSPACE need to be reviewed.
Forward-facing websites are automatically branded with certified Y-USA logos and branding. These certified YMCA logos have been uploaded to all sites. If your Association prefers to use custom logos, headers, or other visuals on the forward-facing sites, these will need to be uploaded through the PLAYERSPACE system.
Pixel Dimensions for Website Headers: 1265 x 200
Please review the help links below to familiarize yourself with how to edit forward-facing website branding and media at the branch, association, or program level. If you have any questions or need help, please contact customer service at
Need additional assistance? Contact our Customer Service team.
Profile Photo Step-by-Step Tutorials
› InCare - Uploading Profile Pictures - This tutorial takes parents through the step-by-step process of uploading profile pictures for their children
› CampSpace - Uploading Profile Pictures - This tutorial takes parents through the step-by-step process of uploading profile pictures for their children
PLAYERSPACE has encountered an issue with the delivery and display of images.
As a result, all of your profile photos for your association’s participants, parents, and authorized pickups will need to be uploaded using the PLAYERSPACE platform.
All email templates that have embedded images will need to be reviewed and any images that are missing will need to be uploaded so your emails deliver with the appropriate content.
Additionally, all documents hosted and linked on forward-facing program, branch, and association websites will need to be reviewed. Any documents previously linked will need to be uploaded with their hyperlinks adjusted appropriately.
We apologize for the inconvenience. If you need help or have questions please do not hesitate to contact customer support at
Email Template Step-by-Step Tutorials
› Create Custom Email Templates - This tutorial walks Program Directors and Admins through the process of creating custom email templates
› Using the Drag and Drop Messaging System - This video tutorial teaches Program Directors and Admins how to use the BeeFree plug-in to create engaging email messages. Adding photos to a message begins at 1:52.
Document Upload Step-by-Step Tutorial
› Manage Documents - This tutorial walks Program Directors and Admins through the process of uploading documents into PLAYERSPACE
Website Branding Step-by-Step Tutorials
› Edit Website Branding - This tutorial walks Program Directors and Admins through the process of uploading personalized logos and headers to their forward-facing sites
› Customize Homepage - This tutorial teaches Program Directors and Admins how to customize the layout and inclusion of items on the homepage of their forward-facing sites
› Create a Custom Navigation Page - This tutorial teaches Program Directors and Admins how to build a one-of-a-kind navigation page on their forward-facing sites