Excel at Your Job and Look Like a Star
to Staff & Volunteers
A Success Management System Created Specifically for Volunteer Coordinators and Volunteers
VolunteerPlus/RiskMGT Overview Video 1 min
VolunteerPlus/RiskMGT Help Topics
Participation Requirements
› Create a Participation Requirement for Volunteers, Parents, or Staff
› Create a Document Upload Participation Requirement
› Create a Custom Form or Waiver
› Link a Participation Requirement to a Volunteer Opportunity or Program
› Submit a Background Check and Review Results
For Volunteers
Click Here to Get Started With Setting Up Participation Requirements!
Steps to Success
Set Up Participation Requirements - Set up participation requirements for volunteers to complete before they are eligible to volunteer
Review Background Checks - Set up background checks for volunteers to ensure the safety of all who participate in your programs
Create Volunteer Shifts & Schedules - Make it easy for volunteers to sign up for shifts
Assistant Volunteer Coordinator
Hey there, I’m Tony, your Assistant Volunteer Coordinator!
Managing volunteer background checks and prerequisites, creating shift schedules, and solving your communication problems with VolunteerPlus is a breeze! From getting started to how the pros do it, you’ll find it all right here!
You got this! And I’m here 24/7 to make sure of that!
Overview | Participation Requirements | Volunteer Opportunities | For Volunteers