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Add a Custom Form/Waiver Prerequisite


Forms and Waivers allow directors to have a digital version of any completed form or waiver that a volunteer will need in order to be eligible to participate. Create robust Forms and Waivers through PLAYERSPACE so all prerequisites are satisfied.


1. Go to your Parent Association Page



2. From the navigation menu, click on RiskMGT > Manage Applicants



3. Click the Prerequisites Tab



4. Click the Add Prerequisite button


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5. Fill out the relevant information in the Add Prerequisite pop-up window


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Prerequisite Type: You will have the option to designate the form/waiver as: 


  • Document Upload - Select this option if the form/waiver is a certification or authorized document that cannot be replicated as a custom waiver. (Ex: Doctor’s signature on a physical, form required for licensing, Certificate from a course that cannot be completed via SCORM file) 

  • Medical History Release and Emergency Contact Form – (for Child Care Programs) Select this option if you will be collecting Medical History and Emergency Contact information through CampSpace or InCare. This will enable parents the ability to complete the Medical History and Emergency Contact information within their account. 

  • Custom Waiver/Release Form - Select this option if you will be creating/recreating a custom form or vendor waiver. 

  • Pick-up Authorization – (for Child Care Programs) Select this option if you will be collecting Authorized Pick-up information through CampSpace or InCare. This will enable parents the ability to complete the Authorized Pick-up section of their account. 


Prerequisite Intended For:  

  • Coaches & Volunteers – Creates a prerequisite for Coaches & Volunteers that will be available in the Coaching and Volunteering section of their profile 

  • Parents of Participants – Creates a prerequisite for parents of Camp and InCare programs that will be available in the Parent Center section of their account. See help here for user experience of the Parent Center 

Age Minimum  

  • Sets the minimum age of the person that the prerequisite is for. Ex. Only campers over the age of 12 require this form 


Who can upload files?  

  • All Staff & Coaches/Volunteers – This setting will allow your participants to upload documents from their Coaching & Volunteering section of their profile as well as enabling administrators to upload a document on behalf of the user   

  • Only Designated Staff Members – This setting will disable your participants from uploading the prerequisite and the prerequisite will only be visible from the administrator’s applicant overview 

Document Expiration  

  • Set your prerequisites to expire based on the number of months after they were completed or at the end of the uploaded calendar year. 

Required Upload?  

  • Setting this for Yes will make this a required prerequisite for assignment to a program. Setting this option to No will still enable the participant to complete the prerequisite but will not prevent them from being assigned to a program.  

Requires Background Check?  

  • Setting this to Yes will require that the background check is fully approved before a participant is able to access this prerequisite. If this setting is No, the participant can complete the prerequisite in any stage of their application.  

Requires Training Course?  

  • This setting will allow you to host a training course within PLAYERSPACE. View Training Course setup here

External Prerequisite/Training Provider 

  • If a Training Course is enabled this setting will verify that PLAYERSPACE is the training provider.  

More Information URL 

  • Insert a URL here that will direct your coach/volunteer to an online form, training course, or document. Ex. CDC Heads Up Concussion is only hosted through the CDC website. Link the URL here for the CDC Course.  

Prerequisite Order 

  • This setting changes the display order in your prerequisites. 

Requires Manual Review  

  • Changing this setting to Yes will require that an administrator of your program must manually review and approve this prerequisite in order to be marked as completed. If this setting is no, once the prerequisite is completed it will be automatically marked as approved. PLAYERSPACE recommends requiring Manual Review for all Document Upload prerequisites to ensure the proper document was uploaded.  

Available in following languages 

  • Custom Waivers are available to be built in English and Spanish, this will enable the parent/coach/volunteer to choose an English or Spanish version in their profile.  


  • Insert a description that will show in the “More Info” section of a prerequisite from the participants perspective.

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1. After you have created and adjusted the settings for your prerequisite, click the Select Actions drop down next to the prerequisite

2. Select Customize



3. To start building your custom waiver, click the Add Row button



4. Select the number of columns in this row. (ex: If your want to have a signature and a date line in the same row select two columns)

5. Select the row order to customize the order of each row. To add the rows sequentially based off of the order that you add the rows, leave this settings at 1.

6. Click the Add Row button





7. Select the Content Type

Content Type Descriptions:

Signature Line: Prompts the user to apply their digital signature. This signature is created when the user first completes a custom waiver. The signature can be reset in their account management settings of their profile. 


Date: User will enter a date in a date input field  


HTML Editor: Used to create a large text box including font and formatting options 


Line of Text: Allows for a short line of text with no input from the user.   


Value Input: This option allows you to create a question or prompt for the user to type the answer as open text.  


Name of Participant: This field will autofill the Volunteers name for prerequisites intended for Coaches/Volunteers. This field will autofill the child (sub-account’s) name for prerequisites intended for Parents of Participants 


Multiple Choice: Allows you to create multiple choice options for the user. Within the Multiple Choice content settings you can allow for multiple responses or one response per question. 



8. Click the Update Form/Waiver button

    Note: This needs to be updated after any change made to the waiver



9. Click the I Wish to Continue button



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    HTML Editor: Enter your custom text.


    Note: Text formatting options are available in the formatting bar. Copying and Pasting from a word document or PDF is not        recommended

    Signature Line: Enter a label for the Apply Digital Signature prompt.

    Date: Label the date that you wish the applicant to enter (ex: Today's date, Date of Birth). To make this a required question,      flip the Required question toggle to YES.

    Multiple Choice: Type the text of your question in the text box. Enter multiple choice options separated by a comma.                All responses will be separated by a comma, do not use a comma in the text of your available responses. To make this a              required question, flip the Required question toggle to YES. To allow the user to select multiple responses flip the Allow          multiple responses toggle to YES. To only allow for 1 answer, leave this toggle to NO

    Line of Text: Enter in a line of text that will not require input from the user. This is commonly used for disclaimers or short          sentences on your waiver.

    Value Input: Enter in the text of a question to allow for a typed, open ended response. To make this a required question,          flip the Required question toggle to YES.







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1. Click Select Action > Relationships


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2. Click the checkbox of the program you wish to apply the prerequisite or click the toggle to apply to all programs in the branch

    Note: You can select a specific division in a program if the prerequisite only applies to that division

3. Click the Update Relationships button

    Note:  These relationships are seasonal. You will need to update these relationships as new programs/seasons/divisions are        added



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