Overview | Participation Requirements | Volunteer Opportunities | For Volunteers
VolunteerPlus/RiskMGT - Set up Participation Requirements
Set up Participation Requirements Training Video 15 min
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Training Topics - Set up Participation Requirements
› Create a Participation Requirement for Volunteers, Parents, or Staff - Examples include downloadable forms, custom waivers, and online courses
› Create a Custom Form or Waiver - Examples include Code of Conduct, Liability Waivers, Social Media Policy, and more
› Use the Customer Form Builder - Digitize your paper forms using our Custom Form building toolkit
› Create a Document Upload Participation Requirement - Link an external file and enable your Volunteers to upload their certificate
› Add a Training Course - Set up a course for volunteers to complete before they are eligible to volunteer
› Link a Participation Requirement to a Volunteer Opportunity or Program - Establish a relationship between a participation requirement and a program or volunteer category
› Submit a Background Check and Review Results - Access background check results and approve or reject an applicant
Assistant Volunteer Coordinator
Hey everyone! Getting Volunteers registered and approved is made simple with RiskMGT and VolunteerPlus!
On this page you will learn how to:
› Review/Submit a Background Check
› Add Participation Requirements
› Add a Custom Form/Waiver
You got this!